Canada immigration visa application

Super Visa

If you are a parent or a grandparent of a Canadian citizen or a per resident of Canada, you can apply for a Parent/Grandparent Super Visa from outside Canada.

You and your child/grand child should meet certain criteria:

  • You should be a genuine visitor to Canada and leave at the end of your visit.

  • You should have a paid in full medical insurance from a Canadian insurance company, etc.

Your child/grandchild should sign the letter of invitation and provide a proof that their household meets the minimum necessary income requirement.

If you apply on or after July 4, 2022, you will be eligible for a stay up to 5 years at a time.

Our services:

Consultation regarding admissibility and general requirements.

Full assistance with obtaining, extending and restoring your Super Visa.

Review of your application for errors.

Assistance with preparing/perfecting your submission letter and letter of invitation.

Extending your visa.