Canada immigration visa application


Generally speaking, there are three ways to obtain Canadian citizenship:

  • Be born in Canada (there are some exceptions)

  • Be born outside of Canada to a parent who is a Canadian Citizen (there are some exceptions)

  • Become naturalized in Canada

You'd need to meet specific requirements in order to be eligible to become Canadian citizenship by naturalization:

  • You be a permanent resident of Canada

  • You must be 18 years old or older

  • You must have been resided in Canada for at least 1,095 days (3 years) in the past 5 years before applying for citizenship

  • You have filed income taxes for there 3 years

  • You have met language requirements, passed citizenship test and taken the Oath of Citizenship (for application 18-54 years old)

Book a consultation to discuss your eligibility to apply for Canadian Citizenship.

Our services:

  • Consultation regarding general requirements and eligibility

  • Full assistance with applying for Canadian Citizenship

  • Reviewing of your application for errors

You may be eligible to obtain permanent resident status in Canada in certain circumstances: